Attempt smiling more. Much better yet, attempt making other people smile. Smiling makes you feel better, reduces your chances of getting ill, and makes whatever a lot less difficult. Causing a smile on the face of somebody else can make you smile too. Then everybody enjoys.
I choose to be in a state of happiness, whatever comes my way. I might cry if unhappiness dawns on me or if I am injured. But, I will fearlessly get up, wipe the tears off my face and fill my mind with all the stunning things that make me happy.

A lot of people attempt to get a happy life by buying their way out of things. Or they eat because of boredom. Thing is that trying to repair things that can't be repaired that method, can actually make you a dissatisfied how to take care of the planet individual. The issue stays. Before you get rid of stressors or problems in your life, take some time to believe if it's the outright ideal method to get rid of the problem. Don't do it if the answer is no, believe me.
Commemorate. Event is an expression of Gratitude. Thankfulness is like the prayer, while Event is the hymn and sacred dance. Event is a road to happiness.
Many will say that they would enjoy to follow their happiness but they have to foot the bill, do not have time, it's too late to change course, or any other number of reasons.
My mom is a terrific example of this. Much to my father's dismay, my mom likes to gift cash to loved ones. Both my parents live gladly retired and reside in a country where they do not need much to live comfortably. So they offer most of it to those in requirement.
Have a look at your jobs each day and find out if they are producing the results you desire. Keep doing them if they are. See if you can stop doing them or see if you can alter them so that they produce the results you are looking for if they are not. Balance and joy comes from not feeling like you're spinning your wheels. By concentrating on the 20%, you'll achieve more with less effort which will assist you feel much more in well balanced.